We’re sad to see you leave! Please leave your key in the door and leave your bags outside your door when you go to breakfast. Your departure time is based on your flight schedule – and that of the other departing guests. Normally SANSA flights depart our airstrip between 0700 to 0730 (7:00 to 7:30 AM).
We can try and schedule an afternoon flight to San Jose if you want to get in a morning’s fishing. Ask about this when booking.
If you are leaving Costa Rica that day, please schedule your departure flight in the afternoon, in case of delays. Silver King Lodge is not responsible for missed flights.
Arriving in San Jose, you will be met by a Viajes Garmendia driver and transported to your hotel or to International departures. If you are staying over and want Viajes Garmendia to take you to the airport, please arrange that directly with
Viajes Garmendia.